Any injury to the eye is not only very uncomfortable, but also potentially serious. The ophthalmologists at CVP Physicians Dayton have the experience, skill, and reputation our patients can rely on to provide excellent treatment for abrasions and other conditions that affect the corneas.

Corneal Abrasion Symptoms and Causes
Since many injuries occur in one eye only, symptoms of corneal abrasions are typically isolated to only the injured eye. Common symptoms include red eyes, tearing, blurry vision, a feeling like there is something in your eye, gritty sensation, soreness, and unusual sensitivity to light.
Corneal abrasions are typically caused by minor trauma to the eye, such as a fingernail scratch, a foreign object like dirt or sand becoming trapped under the eyelid, rubbing the eye, dry eyes, and improper use of contact lenses.
Corneal Abrasion Treatment
The cornea is frequently able to heal itself, but corneal abrasion evaluation and treatment is best managed by a doctor rather than self-treatment. Even a small scratch can quickly become infected and lead to scarring and other permanent damage to eyesight without prompt medical oversight.
Small abrasions generally heal in just a couple of days. Larger abrasions may take a week or longer. Treatment options for corneal abrasions focus on prevention of infections, pain management, and facilitation of the healing process. They can include antibiotics, steroids, lubricating eye drops, patching the injured eye, dilating pupils to relieve pain, and wearing special contact lenses that promote healing.
Contact CVP Physicians Dayton
If you think you may have a corneal abrasion, contact the skilled eye care providers at CVP Physicians Dayton for evaluation and treatment. In addition to checking your vision, they can thoroughly assess your corneal abrasion using a special microscope and fluorescent dye, and perform other tests to make sure there is no evidence of a more serious injury. Our specialists have the knowledge and experience required to provide the best treatment options to facilitate the healing process and prevent possible damage to your eyesight.
Real Patient Reviews
My husband has been a patient here since 2000. He was criticality injured in an industrial accident and as a result, one of his losses was his right eye. Dr. Beeson and Dr. Hartel were key in his recovery. We’ve had the pleasure of being follow-up patients for the last 16 plus years. They are lifesavers. And the staff are just as awesome. Best girls & guys out there!
– Tammy F.

1 American Academy of Ophthalmology. Corneal Abrasion and Erosion. Available: Accessed June 9, 2020.